Friday, December 18, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
This week was one of the most productive yet, i drew lots of pictures. I spent all of my studio time drawing. I also got to practice giving my december review presentation on thrusday. WHen I put my presentation together I was very proud of it, because I included allot of information, and allot about how far i have come in terms of my projects development. I did not however, practice the talking aspect of my presentation, I underestimated exactly how long it would take me to get through the presentation. I got about halfway through and received a warning telling me that i had 3 minutes left, it was not good. Due to me running out of time i didn't get to present one of the most important parts of the presentation, i didn't get to read a section of the story, or even tell clearly what the story was about. I had planned to insert that part near the end as i was going over my Illustrations, but ran out of time. For my actual review, i have decided to make myself a script, and practice going over it in 20 minutes time.
Friday, December 4, 2009
This week was very productive!!! I spent all of my studio time mond and thursday drawing. I began using my 3D technique. So far ive done about two tests just to see how well the 3D backgrounds would go when my 2D drawings are placed against them. So far so good but I cant be 100% sure how things will look until i have fully painted the drawings. I feel that once the drawings are given shades and tonal values they will blend much much better. I also began doing other Illustrations just to get use to drawing the characters, so that there will be consistency when im drawing. What I need to do now is to keep drawing and painting, the more i draw and paint the better at them i become.
Friday, November 20, 2009
This week was actually pretty dull, not much IP progress unfortunately. I had a 10 page paper for my women's studies class that took up almost all of my time this week. I spend my studio hours on tues editing the parts of sanguine moon that were embarrassing (grammar and spelling stuff, there was even a part where I called monica Jessica for some odd reason, I don't even have a Jessica in the story) Then I spent my studio time thursday drawing, I finished the character sketch of the old man and started on Christopher. I also registered online with the sweetland writing center and am scheduling an appointment after thanksgiving break. What I need to do next is draw draw draw, midterm review is coming up and I dont have allot of visuals t show my board, and its not like I can hand them a 50 page manuscript and make them read it... I've got allot of thinking to do :( I'm going to try and do a scene for my tues meeting with elonas group, which means I'll be working in 3D this weekend, I should be able to get a line drawing done by tues. that combined with the character sketches should provide something for the group to look at while I talk, I will probably read a section aloud as well.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
This week proved to be very interesting. I began to receive feedback on my narrative. Not many people have read it but I received feedback from Sean, Stephanie and two other friends of mine that have not yet finished. Of the four people that have either finished reading, or at least begun, they commented on issues that I was concerned about while writing. One of these issues was that there could possibly be to many women represented, to many different relationships being developed/introduced. Stephanie believes this to be true, while sean and I believe otherwise. I see where Stephanie is coming from because as I was writing I was weary of that being the case, but I believe (and sean agreed with me) that all these women are necessary to develop Allen as a character. His interactions with these women tell the reader why he thinks/feels the way he does, and how he came to do so. Whether or not I'm gonna change that part of the story I don't yet know, I feel I need some more opinions on the issue before I decide. Another Issue me and Stephanie discussed was Allen's relationship with Pikarra. Stephanie believes that since I am trying to develop this deep connection between the two of them, as the reader she needs more time with them to make it more believable, and I totally agree. However I don't think that making the chapter longer will be a good thing, I'm a little attached to the chain of events that I have set fourth. I believe that I'm going to solve this problem by having Allen and Pikarra know each other from the past. When Allen meets Pikarra at the bar I'll change it so that he knew her once a long time ago, and I'll add in like a flashback scene where the reader gets to know how they met, and follows them through some sort of adversity or challenge that they overcome together, but then for reasons Allen cannot explain Pikarra had to leave, and he's seeing her again for the first time now at this bar. I think that will help to make their connection more believable.
Friday, November 6, 2009
This week was very productive!! I finally finished my story!!!!! Anyone who would like to read it just shoot me an e-mail and I will send it to you. I'm vert excited about the finished story, I hope everyone thinks its good, im open and very eager for criticism!! After finishing my story I went back to drawing, this time I'm working on the character sketch for the main character Allen. So far the drawing is coming out pretty well, im just worried about his clothes, whether they are to high fashion. Maybe not, i mean its just a shirt and some jeans, but im worries about whether or not it fits his character. I guess in the end it doesn't really matter much tho, since what hes wearing in the sketch is not necessarily what he's gonna wear in the illustrations, Pikarra for example deff will not be wearing that striped shirt lol, to much of a pain in the ass to draw :P
Saturday, October 31, 2009
This week was a but different than the last two weeks because I did not do any drawing. I went back to focusing on the written aspect of my project. I'm almost done with my written narrative, in fact, it will be completed this tuesday. I have decided that instead of a comic I'm just going to Illustrate my text. I have seen it done really successfully in a recent issue of batman. In this batman comic there were not panels with pictures and speech bubbles, but blocks of text with images that went along with it. This style worked pretty good with the batman comic, the only difference is that the batman images were rendered in 3D, while mine will only be 2D. I will post a picture for you to see what im taking about. I'm a little concerned tho that since my story is a bit long, that nobody will want to read it and give me feedback :(. I will need to know what parts are working and what parts are not, what i should probably add or take out, just critique on story elements and writing style. I do intend to take it to the sweetland writing center but I would also like to get feedback from my faculty and classmates. I outlined my story into an outline of its important parts, I was advised by Hanna to do so, so that I would keep myself on track while I was writing and not forget what where the important parts. So I would not spent to much time working on parts of the story that were not as important, while the main pieces were not complete. This outline splits the story up into sections. I guess if I want anyone to even think about reading the story I will just give them the outline, then give them the story one piece at a time, because i know everyone had their own stuff to to, and not much time to sit around reading my long ass narrative.
Sanguine moon
Main Points Outline
1. The story starts off in the middle. George Is Allen’s Assistant and close personal friend. Since Allen has become a monster, he has begun to kill off members of a gang in order to take revenge for the death of his friend Pikarra, and as a half ass means of justifying his choice to become a monster to satisfy his own selfish needs. Members of this gang abduct George on his way home from work because the gang has noticed that the police for some odd reason have taken a sudden interest in George (Allen and his company to be exact) and believe that George must be in the know about something. George of course knows nothing about what is going on. After taking George and questioning him Allen suddenly Appears and kills allot of the gang members. George recognizes his boss and close friend and the two of them are both quite surprised to see each other. Allen then begins to tell George why he is there and how he came to be what he is, and this is where the story starts, at its true beginning.
2. The story starts with Allen and his best friend Christopher sitting in class. Christopher and Allen have been friends since they were small children. Allen is a very morose and cynical person, his character is set up as having a very depressing outlook on life and very negative views and opinions when it comes to women. He refuses to own up to his role in things, blaming his situations in life on outside causes. Allen is then attacked by a stranger who turns out to be some sort of monster, and after the stranger gets to know Allen’s personality better through the tasting of his blood he finds Allen to be most amusing, and decides to give him a choice, he can die now, or become one of them, but before Allen is made to decide, the monster says hill give him a taste of his power and then let him decide.
3. After being bitten into by his demonic oppressor Allen is taken to a dark and seedy nightclub where he is forced to fight against a group of strangers, it is here that Allen begins to understand the abilities that he would gain should he chose to become a monster. He finds that he would have the ability to control people through a kind of possession as he uses this ability to kill the group of me he is pitted against. As Allen is killing these men, he is not in control of his body, he is there, in his mind, but his body is acting of its own accord, forcing him to bear witness as it commits these horrible acts. After slaughtering the men Allen wakes up home in his bed, where he wonders if it had all been a dream.
4. Allen gets up and goes to class as normal wondering if he dreamt up what had just happened. Throughout this part of the story Allen notices that no matter what or how much he eats, he is always still hungry. In this part of the story you learn that Allen was betrayed by a woman he once loved, and that is part of the reason he is as depressed and cynical as he is. He is lonely and believes that nobody really cares for and understands him, which would explain his outlook on women. Allen ends up being forced to be social and go out to a bar by Christopher and this is where he meets Pikarra (very important character) Pikarra is very beautiful and free spirited. She has an openness and quirkiness about her that makes it easy for Allen to open up and speak to her. Through their conversations Allen begins to feel like Pikarra is the only person in the world that truly understands him, that he can connect with and relate to on a deeper and more intimate level (by intimate I don’t mean sexually).
5. The next night as Allen and Pikrra are eating dinner at a diner, two gang members come in the place and start shooting, Allen ends up shot and Pikarra tries her hardest to save him and ends up shot in the process. Pikarra dies, but Allen does not, as he finds out that the events of the other night were not a dream. He kills Pikarras murderers, and uses her death as a means of excusing or justifying the choice of becoming a monster.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Unfortunately this week was a little less productive than weeks past simply because I was on fall break. I told myself that I was going to be really productive over fall break and do allot of work on my IP, but I was not as productive as i wanted. Over fall break I spent friday from about 3 pm till 6:30 or 7 working in my studio on finishing my painting of Pikarra. I also wanted to finish my writing over break but never got around to that. I spent all of my studio time drawing on thursday, i finished painting Pikarra and began her bust shot. I decided that because im new to the style of painting that i was doing, and the fact that i just takes me so long to do im not going to paint anymore of my character sketches. I realized this week that it is basically November and that I am nowhere near where I had originally wanted to be in terms of my progress. Im very behind schedule. Starting next weekend (due to the fact that I have a midterm on monday and a research paper outline due on wednesday) Im going to start working double time on my IP. I have been in IP for almost two months and dont really have much to show for it except for my written word and a few drawings. that shows of course that i have indeed been working, I have not at all been wasting my time, but personally I want to have more to show for myself. I need to be making more progress!!! and im going to start, I want more work to show off!!! Its time for me to pump out character designs for all my characters and begin modeling sets so that i can hit the ground running and start drawing!! I did realize that the more I write, the more attached I get to my writing and want to keep it in its novelistic format instead of dumbing it down to script form so that i can make a comic. I decided after talking with stephanie that im going to draw a few comic pages, and lay out a few text pages with Illustrations separate and decide which path i really want to walk. well thats about all ive got for this week, so here is another sample of my writing along with my painting of pikarra.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Much like last week, this week was a bit different. I spent all sic hours of my studio time this week drawing. First I finished the test that I had started last week on how to properly draw Christinas curly hair, it turned out much much better than I thought. The only problem is that the process used to draw it is a bit labor intensive, and thats not good mainly because of how much im going to have to draw her when I start production on the comic. When I finished the Christina test I began drawing my character sketches. I drew the Character Pikarra for the first time. She turned out pretty well considering this was my first time drawing her, there are some parts about her that could be a little better, but they will work themselves out the more I draw her and get a feel for her character. When I originally started drawing I had planned on just inking the drawing in black and white like I plan to do with the actual graphic novel, but since I want to develop a painting technique for cover pages and extras I just went ahead and began painting Pikarra. So far its turning out pretty good, when I'm done with the picture I intend to erase the lines and just have a painting, It should be finished within the next day or so.
Allen threw himself across the mattress of his friend’s ragged futon with a gesture reminiscent of that of a spoiled child who received pajama pants for Christmas instead of the new game he wanted. He laid there across the multicolored blue fleece futon mattress, trying to calm himself down and focus on ways he could get himself out his current predicament. Staring up at the sealing Allen began to rant “god dammit this shit just aint fair, how the fuck do they expect me to come up with this kind of money on the spot, this damn school systems set this shit up on purpose just to con people like me” at that moment his friend cut him off saying “what do you mean con people like you, dude the only reason you are in the situation you are in right now is because back before school started, you and your mother decided to lie on your forms so that you could try and cheat yourselves into more aid money, nobody is trying to con you out of anything.” jarred by his friends forceful tone as well as the truth in his words Allen let out another sigh and jokingly made a comment about how he should been a drug dealer like one of his friends from high school because if he had, by now he’d be rich. “Dude” his friend cut him off saying “If you were a drug dealer all you would be doing is giving up what you are dealing with now for a new and more dangerous set of problems, there are no shortcuts in life man, and if you learn anything from what you are going through right now I hope you at least learn that”. Unable to respond to his friends words of wisdom Allen just laid across the futon, staring up at the sealing until he heard the sound of his computer going to sleep on the table less than one foot away from where he lay. After turning his head to look at the screen he lost himself in the images of the beautiful woman that danced across his screensaver. The beautiful model he had be obsessing over since high school, he swore to himself that his future success in life would lead him strait to her, but after the sound of his friend congratulating himself for passing gas so loudly snapped Allen back to reality, he felt a great sadness as he got up to close his computer. “No shortcuts huh, life’s just not fair”
Thursday, October 8, 2009
This week was a bit different from weeks prior. I spent my studio hours on Tuesday writing my story, well mostly. The time i didn't spend writing i spent thinking about the sheets we received feedback from my what why and how. I started thinking mostly about the no time no money option because lets face it, I've got limited time and no money :\.
Soaring through the icy night sky Allen tried to scream for help, but before he could get the words out a cold and clammy hand griped his throat and began to squeeze with tremendous force. Blood shot from his mouth and Allen found himself barely able to breathe let alone say anything. After crushing his throat to keep him from screaming, the stranger let Allen go and he began to fall back down to earth. After the tree branch he grabbed to stop him from hitting the ground broke, Allen tumbled down into the snow breaking his left leg as he landed. Taking the broken tree branch in hand Allen tried to stand, but before he could get to his feet the stranger was on him. He grabbed at the branch Allen held in his right hand and pulled it from him with so much force that it dislocated his shoulder, the stranger then took him by the neck and it was at that moment Allen heard a stern voice come from directly behind his attacker. “That’s enough,” the voice said, as Allen looked to see whom the voices had come from he saw two figures appear out of the darkness. One of the figures was that of an older man who appeared to be in his late fifties, the other much younger. “This one does not belong to you” the older of the two men said “hand him over” and upon hearing the older mans request Allen’s attacker released the grip he had around his throat. The older man then began to draw closer to where Allen had fallen into the snow and when he got close enough for Allen to see his face more clearly he noticed that his eyes had no pupils.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Post 3
Friday, September 18, 2009
What I have been working on in my studio since last friday was basically finishing my Illustration for the first assignment and writing my narrative. I easily spent a good 3 hours just working on the drawing (finishing up all the inking and details). I also spent a good 15-20 minutes looking though the comics section of the library over in the basement of the duderstat library. I went looking for information/ inspiration about coloring/painting techniques. I want to learn to paint using nothing but colors and or changes in value, no lines. I believe that this will help to give my work a visual dynamic that would make it much more interesting. After talking with hanna on thursday i decided to go back to the library and look up books on storytelling, or the form and structure of narratives. I also spent about three hours on thursday writing my narrative and outlining my story so that ill be able to show my professors and gsi's on tuesday. What I discovered during my studio time was that i need to learn to better articulate my feeling and or ideas to my faculty, i believe that its the fears i have about my faculty forcing me into doing a project im not happy with that causes me to choose my words a little to carefully, all it does is make me seem like i cant talk about my ideas :\ . I also learned that as I previously stated, it would be most helpful to check out some books on storytelling to help with the development of my narrative.