Friday, October 2, 2009

This week has basically been the same as last week, continuing to write out what im going to crate my IP project on. I spent the usual six hours of my studio time (more or less) writing. I am finding tho that for some reason it is becoming difficult for me to get what's in my mind out on the paper. I don't usually have this problem, im guessing it has something to do with the way im working so hard to get things done so quickly, I have been trying to be done with the writing process for two weeks now but its taking longer than i had originally anticipated. I find that when i hit a point that im stuck at my progress slows down allot, probably because im trying to force it out in the interest of time. I don't think that this is good because i don't want the quality of my writing to go down. I think this weekend if i find it hard to write im going to take a small break and do a few character designs, its taking a break but still being productive.
Speaking of my writing, for tuesdays small group get together I ended up reading a portion of my story aloud to my group members. I was pleasantly surprised by the positive feedback that i received, and an interesting point was made. Since my writing is a bit detailed i was asked whether i was gonna make a frame by frame comic book, or have like pages of text and illustrations to go with, at first i was set on making a frame by frame comic but i am beginning to have second thoughts. The pages of text coupled with illustrations is beginning to sound most appealing. If i decided to go with the text and illustrations i would most defiantly be able to cover more story than i would if I was doing a comic, plus id be able to keep my writing intact (i will admit, im growing quite fond of my written words lol)... i dunno, something to think about.

1 comment:

  1. Tyrone,

    I think it is a great idea to take breaks from writing to work on character designs. Creating their physical bodies may help you to refine their aspects of their personalities as well.

    Illustrated novels and comic books are very different entities, engaging the reader in different ways. Which type of book do you prefer reading? What do you think are the strengths/weaknesses of each form and why? You were talking about wanting this project to have the ability to be continued after you graduate. How would creating an illustrated novel vs. a comic book change your marketed audience?

    I am worried that if you do make a comic rather than a novel, you may be wasting time by focusing so much on your writing skills rather than your drawing abilities.
    I want to see you visually create some characters.

