Friday, October 23, 2009

Unfortunately this week was a little less productive than weeks past simply because I was on fall break. I told myself that I was going to be really productive over fall break and do allot of work on my IP, but I was not as productive as i wanted. Over fall break I spent friday from about 3 pm till 6:30 or 7 working in my studio on finishing my painting of Pikarra. I also wanted to finish my writing over break but never got around to that. I spent all of my studio time drawing on thursday, i finished painting Pikarra and began her bust shot. I decided that because im new to the style of painting that i was doing, and the fact that i just takes me so long to do im not going to paint anymore of my character sketches. I realized this week that it is basically November and that I am nowhere near where I had originally wanted to be in terms of my progress. Im very behind schedule. Starting next weekend (due to the fact that I have a midterm on monday and a research paper outline due on wednesday) Im going to start working double time on my IP. I have been in IP for almost two months and dont really have much to show for it except for my written word and a few drawings. that shows of course that i have indeed been working, I have not at all been wasting my time, but personally I want to have more to show for myself. I need to be making more progress!!! and im going to start, I want more work to show off!!! Its time for me to pump out character designs for all my characters and begin modeling sets so that i can hit the ground running and start drawing!! I did realize that the more I write, the more attached I get to my writing and want to keep it in its novelistic format instead of dumbing it down to script form so that i can make a comic. I decided after talking with stephanie that im going to draw a few comic pages, and lay out a few text pages with Illustrations separate and decide which path i really want to walk. well thats about all ive got for this week, so here is another sample of my writing along with my painting of pikarra.

The old man then began to laugh loudly “damn, I knew there was something special about you. You sure are a selfish self centered bastard, and you know what’s funny is that you are to wrapped up in your own desires to even realize it.” the old man then began to laugh some more. “No shortcuts huh, well see about that” and with that the old man sank his teeth into Allen’s neck. After feeling the old mans hot breath on his throat followed shortly by his throat being bitten into Allen’s mind went foggy. Like a junkie on a bad trip he found himself unable to focus in on much of anything at all, his brain felt like it had been turned to mush and he eventually lost consciousness. After drinking his fill of Allen’s blood the old man then threw him over his shoulder and signaled to his peons that it was time for them to go. “You are not gonna kill him?” one of the younger freaks asked. “No” replied the old man he’s coming with us” and with that the four of them took off into the night.

When Allen came to he found himself lying on the floor of what seemed to be a nightclub. On the dance floor of the club there was a huge crowd of people that formed a circle, and in the middle of the circle stood three men who looked as if they had just traveled to hell and back. The men’s clothes were tattered and torn, and the wounds they carried as well as the two sword like weapons they held in each hand suggested they were currently engaged in a fight for their lives. The men stood back-to-back swinging their weapons at any member of the crowd that dared to come to close. His eyes burning and unable to see anything at all and his mind stuff fuzzy, Allen felt a strong arm grab him by the shoulder, and a voice that he recognized as being the old man from earlier that night whisper in his ear. “You want a break kid, ill give u one. Have a taste of our power and see how u like it” and with that the old man snapped his fingers and the whole club went dark. As the lights went out Allen felt both his vision and his mind return to normal, and just as they did her realized he was standing in the middle of the dance floor facing the three men holding swords.

1 comment:

  1. Tyrone,

    I agree that now is the time to work "double-time" on IP. But in order for you to make more progress, you need to make sure HOW you are working makes sense.

    For example, I still have not seen a concise outline of your story. It's great to see fully written snippets, but I have no idea how to gauge their effectiveness outside the context of the whole. Likewise, the visual work you have done does not exist within a framework of a story that can allow anyone to give feedback in relation to what you are trying to accomplish with each character, with the whole, etc.

    You need to fully storyboard/outline whatever chunk of the story you hope to have finished by April. Identify "keywords" for how you want the story to progress, to feel, etc. Then you will be in a position to delineate tasks within the whole -- characters, settings, visual flow, verbal flow, etc. -- and know how each needs to contribute to the whole.

    (If this doesn't make sense, please find me tomorrow to explain. )

