Friday, December 4, 2009

This week was very productive!!! I spent all of my studio time mond and thursday drawing. I began using my 3D technique. So far ive done about two tests just to see how well the 3D backgrounds would go when my 2D drawings are placed against them. So far so good but I cant be 100% sure how things will look until i have fully painted the drawings. I feel that once the drawings are given shades and tonal values they will blend much much better. I also began doing other Illustrations just to get use to drawing the characters, so that there will be consistency when im drawing. What I need to do now is to keep drawing and painting, the more i draw and paint the better at them i become.

1 comment:

  1. Tyrone,

    I am glad to see you drawing. I would highly recommend that you also look off of real people, either in person or in photos, for drawing references. This can help you achieve a sense of individuality among your characters. For example, drawing an old person from a generic digitally created figure will not allow you to understand how the human body shows subtle signs of age.

    (open figure drawing classes are Saturdays 2-5, come and go as you please)

