Friday, March 12, 2010

This past two weeks I basically spent my time on book layou and 3D modeling. I changed the design for my book again, I like the horizontal setup, but it seemed a bit long across (it was originally 8.5 by 11) I changed the doc size to about a 9 by 7. I printed off an actual size dummy book, not the whole thing, just about 8 pages to see how it looked. I liked how it turned out, I started asking around about the layout and have begun to get a small bit of feedback from some of my peers. Ive been told that its still a bot long across (i mean that the text column is too long for people to comfortably read) so im changing that, and also the page seems a little cramped, so im gonna give it a little more space around the edges. I have also spent a great deal of time modeling the environments in 3D, I have most of them done and will begin Illustrating this weekend. I have spent allot more time thinking about exactly what I'm going to Illustrate and how as well.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tyrone,

    It's good to ask for feedback from your peers- but while you're asking around- make sure you ask people with experience in book design (ehhem, Hannah) when you're making design decisions- she will probably affirm your fears that the line of text is too long, etc. but she might also have some really helpful solutions for specific problems- you have an incredible resource here, and it will probably save you time in the end.

    I'm glad you figured out what you're going to illustrate. The models, done? Awesome- let's get drawing! I can't wait to see what you've done. Hopefully we'll get a chance to talk this week-
