Saturday, January 30, 2010

This week I found to be extremely productive. I finally ended up with a finalized page and Illustration layout, as well as a font size and leading that i enjoy. I printed out a smaller thumbnail sized version of the book and put it together so that i could make sure that everything flowed correctly with the layout that i had put together. It all turned out pretty good. Since I didn't have the pages laid out correctly in indesign, once i printed the spreads, i had to cut them all into single pages, put them in the correct order, and tape them all together using blue painters tape... it was a long and taxing job, and the tips of my thumb and index fingers are still raw because of that damn tape lol. On a down note, we have another group critique on tues, but ive decided to spend my weekend, fixing up and finalizing my text, because there are some things that I want to add before i send it off to sweetland, and i believe that needs to be done soon because the layout i just completed will shift slightly once i edit the text. So on tues if i only have my book layout its going to look like i have not made any progress, but that will definitely not be true!!!!! I spent classtime and my time outside of class working on the text.

1 comment:

  1. Tyrone,
    Look forward to seeing your mock-up. Hopefully that's helping you shape and think about your project, and making it all feel more real.
    Hmmmm: "down note" re group critique. Why is that?
    When do you see someone at Sweetland?
