Saturday, January 23, 2010

AAAAHHHHHH, LATE POST, I FORGOT TO WRITE YESTERDAY!!!! XP It's taking me a while to get back into the swing of weekly blog writing. This week was ... interesting. I put my text into In design, and created spaces for my images. Afterwards i started drawing. Much to my dismay, I completely misunderstood the reasons Hanna had me work in indesign in the first place. soon after I got the illustrations roughly drawn, i found fitting them into the text to be quite a challenge, basically the text was not laid out as well as it should have been, so back to the drawing board. I found a font size, lead size and page orientation that i feel comfortable with, and properly flowed the text into in design, not im re deciding where i want to illustrate, and how the illustrations will be oriented. Im trying to be more lose with the placement of the drawings this time, last time i had no full page or two page spreads. the process is coming along, but its difficult. I spent the class times in my studio, and spent thursday night and friday in my studio working as well.

1 comment:

  1. Tyrone,
    I don't fully understand the difficulty in laying out the spreads for your book. Is the problem in figuring out what parts of the story you want to draw, where the drawings go, what sizes they should be, how the text should work with them? What is most holding you up? Did you ever get your work to the writing center? Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
