Friday, December 18, 2009

December Reviews. I felt like my december review was very successful. In the beginning my biggest fear about my review was that I was going to run out of time. I had so much that I wanted to talk abut during my presentation, and I felt like 20 mins was just not going to cut it. During the practice presentations that we did with out classes, I completely overshot my time. When Sean and Hanna told me I had three minutes left I was less than half way through my presentation, and ended up rushing through the rest of my presentation so fast that I didn't even talk about what my story was actually about :/ that really sucked. The night before my review I wrote myself Up a script (it turned out to be three single spaced pages long :/) and really paced myself with the presentation. On the actual day of the review I finished just in time, and got a chance to talk about everything I wanted to. I felt like my committee was really into my presentation. I got allot of useful feedback, and I felt that my committee members were very interested in my story. I really enjoyed myself on presentation day!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

This week was one of the most productive yet, i drew lots of pictures. I spent all of my studio time drawing. I also got to practice giving my december review presentation on thrusday. WHen I put my presentation together I was very proud of it, because I included allot of information, and allot about how far i have come in terms of my projects development. I did not however, practice the talking aspect of my presentation, I underestimated exactly how long it would take me to get through the presentation. I got about halfway through and received a warning telling me that i had 3 minutes left, it was not good. Due to me running out of time i didn't get to present one of the most important parts of the presentation, i didn't get to read a section of the story, or even tell clearly what the story was about. I had planned to insert that part near the end as i was going over my Illustrations, but ran out of time. For my actual review, i have decided to make myself a script, and practice going over it in 20 minutes time.

Friday, December 4, 2009

This week was very productive!!! I spent all of my studio time mond and thursday drawing. I began using my 3D technique. So far ive done about two tests just to see how well the 3D backgrounds would go when my 2D drawings are placed against them. So far so good but I cant be 100% sure how things will look until i have fully painted the drawings. I feel that once the drawings are given shades and tonal values they will blend much much better. I also began doing other Illustrations just to get use to drawing the characters, so that there will be consistency when im drawing. What I need to do now is to keep drawing and painting, the more i draw and paint the better at them i become.